Global Warming

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Impact of mass media on children

"Communication remains God's great gift to humanity without which we cannot be truly human, reflecting God's image." Freedom of speech is a right of individuals as they possess their own free will. Because of their free will, individuals have expressed their thoughts, desires, and aspirations through the mass media. Communicating freely with other affirms the dignity and worth of each and every member of society. Freedom of expression is essential in the attainment and advancement of knowledge. Communication brings forth various ideas and information. People today are better informed and more enlightened thanks to thriving press freedom and expanding mass media here and in many parts of the world. All points of view are represented in the "marketplace of ideas" and society benefits from debate about their worth.
Media's role in society is to inform, educate, and entertain. Moreover, people experience a freedom of the press that becomes an avalanche of conflicting information and opinion. In addition, these values may sometimes contradict or go against the lessons that have been taught in the classroom or by parents.Everthing have its own merits and demerits. Violence in the media has become a commonplace affair. Does television violence result in more aggressive or deviant behavior' Is such behavior likely to lead to criminal behavior' Recent studies have indicated that even the most seemingly benign programs on television, such as cartoons, are filled with violence. Violence in the media influences human behavior in a negative manner. Hundreds of studies have been conducted in recent years evaluating the effects of violence in the media. The results are at best, daunting and somewhat alarming. Some have raised enough question about the effects of media violence to cause researchers to claim the results are inconclusive. However others prove strongly enough that media violence can lead to criminal behavior and many sociologists have concluded that violence in television media impacts viewers in a negative manner. Television violence impacts youths and adolescents much more. Human behavior is the product of internal influences, such as a person's biological pre-disposition or genetic make-up, as well as external factors such as the environment. There have been many studies linking innate human. Our television sets are filled with violence in this modern day. Media violence has been a very controversial issue since there has been concern if media violence is linked to youth violence. Many people believe that media violence is directly linked to other crimes, usually associated with children. Although many people have plausible beliefs that youth and media violence is connected, evidence has proven that the two are not connected. Although it is easy to blame the media for producing violence among the youth; there are many other reasons that could cause a young person to commit acts of violence. Violence in the media is referred to as “mock violence". on the others hand , we can say that media has caused a drastic changes and mostly children are also having a great merit from it as they are more familiar with the extra knowledge, and many things about the world. So we cannot only overview its demerit ,we have to develop .So we cannot only overview its demerit ,we have to develop a positive attitudes towards the work of the medias and it is not only the role of parents to control their children from being addicted to television .It is the right of the whole nation to develop benefits programmes for the children so that they don’t have negative thinking's and then onwards only the nation can have responsible persons and it will have the media as well which can raise up the nation towards development.
By: Ram saran Adhikari

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